This is the almost-anonymous story of an overweight, middle-aged athlete trying get a handle on his food and bring his weight back down to a reasonable level. Dropping his body fat down to 12%. Trading a 6-pack for a 6-pack.


Calorie Count

And for today;

Celery and Peanut Butter
Coffee, 1 cup
Double espresso
Pulled Pork Burrito (1/2)
Fish, rice, and broccoli

Total Calories: 1415

A little explanation seems to be in order. I'm working on launching a new website for my personal business, and I had a working lunch with an old friend and code writer / designer who does freelance work and some website hosting on the side. So I took him out to lunch to his favorite near-work place. I'm kind of pleased that my restraint at lunch worked out.